Poor women have the potentials of entrepreneurship skills and creativity, but they have often been underemployed as unpaid farm laborers, due to their lack of access to land and other production resources. SEED believes that, by providing small loans to assist them in exploring and developing their skills and engaging in micro enterprises, they can create their own employment, generate income, and contribute to the rural economy and Sustainable Development Goals.
The Ebola and COVID-19 outbreaks devastated the socio-economic status of Sierra Leone, also led to the closure of schools and disruption of education activities across. The closure of schools contributed to the increased of teenage pregnancy, many young girls (Aged 15 to 18) became pregnant, became child mothers and faced economic difficulties to care for their children or pursue their potentials.
Sierra Leone had an estimated area of 105,300 hectares of mangrove in the Sherbro River Estuary. Unfortunately human activities and population explosion in the Sierra Leone coastal areas is contributing to the loss of the valuable mangrove habitat including those in the Sherbro River Basin. SEED is working in Bonthe District in the mangrove communities, to preserve these areas and promote community-based sustainable mangroves management and provision of alternative livelihood for coastal communities. SEED has helped capacitate communities on the economic benefits of mangrove conservation; and provided alternative livelihoods, including vegetable farming and sustainable oyster harvesting. Open the Link to watch the impact of our work: https://youtu.be/lMRFQ3QGx-A?si=4xg75KMbzQAKNk7Y
Learn MoreSince the arrival of multinational agribusiness companies in Southern Sierra Leone in the early 2011 as part of a large-scale investment in palm oil, the majority of affected communities had lost access to and control over their land. Today the vulnerable smallholder farmers mainly women who own these lands are struggling to survive. As part of our intervention to address the problem, SEED-Supporting Entrepreneurship and Economic Development with support from Charity Pot UK is enhancing food security in the affected communities by organizing farmers into farmers group and provided them with training in good agronomic practices for the production of some staple foods including groundnuts, rice and cassava among others. To date SEED had trained and formed a total of five (5) farmer groups. It’s worthy to note that a direct impact of our intervention is ten (10) of these targeted farmers are now enrolled as oil palm out-grower farmers.
Sierra Leone is a nation that has transitioned from conflict. Twenty (20 years) after the war, the use of hateful rhetoric, dangerous speech by politicians and supporters of political parties especially during every Presidential and Parliamentary election is becoming worrisome development with a huge potential to undermine the country’s fragile peace. With financial and technical support from the NIWANO Peace foundation(https://www.npf.or.jp/english/), SEED is supporting local communities and government through local organizing local campaigns against hate speech/messages, reconciliation workshops, support communities to development and sign peace and non-violence Communiqué, to enhance better understanding of hateful rhetoric and the potential it holds to lead to ethnic-based violence, particularly in pre and post-election context. We create supportive environment for local communities to mitigate the risks associated with ethnic hate messages and ethnic stereotyping. Click here for peace building https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aFUbDGUETo
Learn MoreMohamed Salia (linkedin.com/in/mohamed-salia-aab8693 ) a former war child founded SEED in 2009. SEED (Supporting Entrepreneurship and Economic Development) is a local non-for-profit initiative to implement his dream to contribute towards healing his country after years of civil war. SEED's mission is to bring about positive and sustainable change in the lives of vulnerable communities in Sierra Leone.
Learn MoreRecognizing the challenges faced by these communities, particularly in the realms of poverty and inequality, we are dedicated to implementing innovative initiatives that foster women’s empowerment, youth development and community resilience. SEED been privileged to work and partner with UNDP, Purposeful Productions, US Embassy Freetown, Social Business Stiftung, Niwano Peace Foundation, Kanthari, Do School, and other international and local organizations.
Mohamed Salia is the director for Supporting Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (SEED) Sierra Leone responsible for the overall management, coordination, Donor relation, reporting, supervision & oversight, collaboration. Mohamed is a renowned Sierra Leonean Social Entrepreneur and Development Specialist. He holds a BSc. in Peace and Conflict Studies (Fourah Bay collage-University of Sierra Leone), a diploma in Entrepreneurship and Organizational Development (Do School Germany), and a certificate in Entrepreneurship (Kanthari India), with extensive experience and specialized professional formal training in strategic project planning and management; budgeting and finance; communication; and microenterprise/microfinance development. Mohamed had won numerous awards for his service to humanity, like the Do School Award for courageous entrepreneurship, African Entrepreneur of the Year, South got Talent Development Personality of the year etc… Mohamed is fellows from prestigious fellowships like; Trinity Church Wall Street Leadership Programme: https://trinitywallstreet.org/stories-news/announcing-2023-trinity-leadership-fellows-cohort Startingbloc: https://startingbloc.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/StartingBloc-Transparency-Report-2015.pdf Global Community Impact Leader: https://thoughtpartnerships.org/community-leaders
Rose Gbetuwa serves as the Gender Officer for SEED-Supporting Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. Her primary responsibility is to ensure that SEED's projects, programs, and policies are gender-responsive and promote gender equality. Rose guides the team in integrating gender considerations into all aspects of their work, including program design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. She also provides training and support to staff and volunteers on gender issues, including gender-based violence, gender equality, and women's empowerment. Rose is a graduate in State Registered Nurse-SRN and holds a diploma in Gender Studies. She has seven years of experience working with specific target groups, including adolescent girls, physically challenged individuals, and vulnerable households.
Martin Kailie is the program development consultant for Supporting Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (SEED) directly responsible for the overall monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) activities collect and analyse data on appropriateness of pilot approach, impact and changes, project and programme design. Martin has served for over 10 years, as freelancer and consultant for many Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and entrepreneurs around in Africa. Martin started as a university lecturer, but changed careers to support impact in his country Sierra Leone through technical support to actors. Mr. Kailie holds an MPhil in Linguistics from the University of Sierra Leone and taught in the same university for ten years before switching to sustainable agriculture and rural development. While documenting endangered languages in his native Sierra Leone, he witnessed the devastating effects of drought and floods on communities. Inspired by that experience, his dream is to use sustainable agriculture to tackle climate change to improve the lives of subsistence farmers at risk from climate change, and support development organizations for sustainable development. Learn more about Martin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-kailie-0b7a4056/?originalSubdomain=sl
John Sillah is the Head of Administration for Supporting Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (SEED) directly responsible for performing human resource activities provide logistical support, support procurement arrangements, Prepare financial report, Prepare vouchers & process all payments for projects and the administration activities. John holds a BEd. in Bachelor of Education (Njala University-University of Sierra Leone), MBA in Finance (Njala University-University of Sierra Leone), and he had got extensive experience and specialized Professional formal trainings in Financial Management, organizational development, budget management. He has over 8 years of work experience in human resource management, and a strong background in non-profit administration with a focus on data management and protection.
ENCISS Recommendation
ENCISS a very reputable institution in Sierra Leone recommends Seed Sierra Leone
SEED Registration Certificate
Official Certificate of Seed Sierra Leone as a registered Organization in Sierra Leone
US Embassy Grant Certificate
US Embassy awards Seed Sierra Leone funds for training 50 pregnant women in Sierra Leone.
grant provided by Seed Sierra Leone
Read MoreHow Seed Sierra Leone was able to Impact four women with a program titled Microloan.
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Read MoreTrinity Church Wall Street Leadership Programme:
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