Mohamed Salia is the director for Supporting Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (SEED) Sierra Leone responsible for the overall management, coordination, Donor relation, reporting, supervision & oversight, collaboration. Mohamed is a renowned Sierra Leonean Social Entrepreneur and Development Specialist. He holds a BSc. in Peace and Conflict Studies (Fourah Bay collage-University of Sierra Leone), a diploma in Entrepreneurship and Organizational Development (Do School Germany), and a certificate in Entrepreneurship (Kanthari India), with extensive experience and specialized professional formal training in strategic project planning and management; budgeting and finance; communication; and microenterprise/microfinance development. Mohamed had won numerous awards for his service to humanity, like the Do School Award for courageous entrepreneurship, African Entrepreneur of the Year, South got Talent Development Personality of the year etc… Mohamed is fellows from prestigious fellowships like; Trinity Church Wall Street Leadership Programme: Startingbloc: Global Community Impact Leader: Global Community Impact Leader: